Teach yourself Avesta
June 2011
Источник: avesta.org/avesta.html
- Авестийский язык // Википедия
Avesta, originally a language of the ancient Indo-lranian stock of languages, is presently the language of the Zoroastrian scriptures. It is no more used for day to day communication purposes, and hence is referred to as a ‘dead language’.
This elementary book, helps beginners to study the Avestan script, learn the language and understand its basic texts. It is prepared in the format of ‘Teach Yourself’ books, with the view that a student may learn the language without much help from a tutor. Each chapter is prepared as a separate unit. Most footnotes provide alternative words or contemporary versions of grammatical terminologies. They are intended for reference and are not essential to learning the language.
Exercises have been provided at the end of each chapter along with keys to most exercises at the end of the book. A Question Bank has been provided at the end for those who want to evaluate themselves.
The book is based on the Avesta grammar notes given by late Dasturji Dr. Hormazdyar Kayoji Mirza to his students. The style, content and layout of this book is a result of the teaching experience and interaction during the past several years.
Considering the elementary nature of the book, grammatical rules have been simplified. Wherever there are multiple options in terminations, only the most frequently used alternative has been given in the book. This book may also be used as a sourcebook for teaching Avestan script and grammar.
To study Avestan grammar in greater detail one may refer to “A Practical Grammar of the Avesta language” by Kavasji Edalji Kanga (Bombay, 1891), “An Avesta Grammar in comparison with Sanskrit” by A.V.Williams Jackson (Stuttgart, 1892), “Avestan Language III. The Grammar of Avestan” by Karl Hoffmann (Encyclopaedia Iranica III, pp.35-44) and An Introduction to Young Avestan by P. O. Skjaervo (Online, 2003).
I hope this book will enable people to get familiar with the Avestan script, grammar and language.
Этот учебник поможет начинающим изучить авестийскую письменность, выучить язык и понять его основные тексты. Он подготовлен в формате «Самоучителя», с тем, чтобы студент смог выучить язык без помощи преподавателя...
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